Cooper Bassett Launch Smart Phone E-Learning Courses

Cooper Bassett Consulting have launched a smart phone version of their e-learning safety coScreenshot_2014-02-13-11-30-31urses. Already configured for the IPad and other tablets, the CBC Training Suite can now be used on any smart phone. When users log on the software automatically detects if they are a mobile user.

The service was designed for remote and lone working staff that do not visit the office on a regular basis, for example outreach staff, maintenance operatives, caretakers, handy persons and cleaners.

However, the smart phone/tablet version provides flexibility to all staff as they can complete courses at any time whether working from home or when out and about. These screen shots are from our lone working and personal safety course and were taken on a Nexus 5 smart phone.

If you would like to try out our smart phone version, please contact Katie Walus our training manager to arrange a demo at For more details about our E-Learning safety courses go to

 BScreenshot_2014-02-13-11-42-01elow are some CBC Training Suite user comments:

“I like the training format, allowed me to go at my own pace and found the test at the end relevant and rewarding; knowing I retained the info and got questions right

“Fab very good and informative”

“I thought the course length was appropriate I found this very helpful not too long & to the point, it was clear to read. I have dyslexia and found it not too difficult as no time restriction”

“I found it easy to use and informative

“I like the training format, allowed me to go at my own pace and found the test at the end relevant and rewarding; knowing I
retained the info and got questions right”

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