Housing Solutions Achieve BS OHSAS 18001 Accreditation

Housing Solutions have achieved BS OHSAS 18001 the British Standard for occupational health and safety management systems. It is widely seen as the world’s most recognized occupational health and safety management systems standard.

Peter Hatch, Group Operations Director said: “Housing Solutions is delight0cd3874ed to have been certified compliant with BS OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management.  This is another significant step in the company’s commitment to creating a safer workplace and we would like to thank Cooper Bassett Consulting for their long standing guidance and support in the development and operation of our safety management system.”

The British Assessment Bureau’s reputation was established in 1969 as a specialist in certification scheme management. Today, its core business is the assessment of people, services and organisation. Howard Jones from the British Assessment Bureau commented: “Congratulations on achieving the standard in what is an unusually quick timeframe.”

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