Maintenance worker jailed

A maintenance worker who failed to replace a panel from a fourth-floor balcony has been jailed for four years after a toddler plunged 60ft to her death through the gap left behind.

Robert Warner, 45, was found guilty of  manslaughter by gross negligence of two year-old Ryaheen Banimuslem at Sheffield  Crown Court.

Ryaheen had been playing with family in the garden of a Sheffield apartment block on June 27, 2012, when she strayed onto  the walkway where Warner had removed a glass panel.

The court heard Warner, who was contracted to  carry out maintenance on the apartments, was supposed to replace a panel in the garden, which was regularly used by residents.

But instead of purchasing a new glass panel for the job, he took one from the adjacent walkway – and then invoiced his  superiors for the panel he never bought.

Sentencing him, Mr Justice Stephen Males said: ‘Your failure to board up the gap was a thoroughly irresponsible failure which has caused the tragic death of a little girl and brought grief to her  family.’

Adding that the distress caused to Ryaheen’s parents, Ola Al Fatle and Hikmat Al Fatle, was ‘apparent and real,’ he said: ‘They have borne their loss with quiet dignity.’

The court heard that the walkway was very  narrow and had a barrier – which consisted of reinforced glass and metal girders and rods – similar to the one in the garden.

The court heard that Warner had over 20 years experience working as a builder and maintenance man.

He had undertaken courses in health and safety and his general tasks included maintaining the flats and grounds of the tower block, as well as menial tasks like clearing up rubbish.

Further information can be found at:

Source: Daily Mail

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